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honey tongued adj.=honeylipped.


The guy with the slick good looks and to - die - for physique gets away with anything . octopus is what it takes to be an irresistible rogue vanity , idleness , a honeyed tongue . even after refusing to take responsibility for getting his girlfriend pregnant , he is still hot property in town 幾時都話生得高大靚仔最著數,他結集無賴最大特徵:好高騖遠不務正業搞大女友個肚仲唔認數,但鬼叫他把口啷過油,成為新一代異性湯圓!

Rule n 5 : never criticise a colleagues through email , but challenge him face to face with a smile and a honeyed tongue 第五條規則:決不要用伊妹兒去批評同事,最好面帶微笑,甜言蜜語地與他正面交鋒

A honey tongue , a heart of gall 口如蜜甜者心似膽苦。